The TTAB did not abuse its discretion by canceling the registration for HOLLYWOOD BEER as a sanction for repeated and willful failure to comply with the Board’s discovery orders in a cancellation proceeding.
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board did not abuse its discretion in cancelling registration for the mark HOLLYWOOD BEER on the Supplemental Register, as a sanction for repeated failures to comply with discovery orders made in a cancellation action, despite several warnings of sanctions for continued noncompliance, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has decided. Judgment in of petitioner, Hollywood Vodka, LLC (“HVL”), seeking cancellation based on fraud and nonuse, was affirmed (Kaszuba v. Iancu, August 5, 2020, O’Malley, K.).
Case date: 05 August 2020
Case number: No. 19-1547
Court: United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit
A full summary of this case has been published on Kluwer IP Law.
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