All trademark news that you might have missed last month in one convenient overview. Read up on the latest news reported by the Kluwer IP Reporter.
Egyptian IP office joins Madrid Goods and Services Manager tool
The intellectual property (IP) office of Egypt has now started contributing terms to the Madrid Goods and Services Manager tool under the Madrid System.
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Madrid Protocol fees revised for India
Pursuant to the provisions of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Marks, the World Intellectual Property Organization has notified revised individual fees applicable when India is designated in an international application or in an application for renewal of international registration or is a subject of subsequent designation.
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Madrid Protocol fee revised for Malaysia
On 26 June 2023, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) announced revised individual fees payable under the Madrid Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Marks when Malaysia is designated in an international application or in an application for renewal of an international registration or is a subject of subsequent designation.
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Madrid Protocol fees revised for South Korea
In accordance with the provisions of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol concerning the International Registration of Marks, the Director General the World Intellectual Property Organization has established new individual fees payable when the Republic of Korea is designated in an international application or in an application for renewal of international registration or is a subject of subsequent designation.
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Lanham Act does not apply to trademark infringements outside U.S.
On 29 June 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court in Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic Int’l Inc. reversed a decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit (CATC) granting $96 million to Hetronic in the trademark infringement case against Abitron.
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Slovenia completes process mining project on trademark examination
On 26 June 2023 the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) finished a process mining initiative aimed to improve trademark examination.
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