All trademark news that you might have missed last month in one convenient overview. Read up on the latest news reported by the Kluwer IP Reporter.
Albania adopts CP8 Common Practice
With an aim to enhance transparency, legal certainty and predictability for the benefit all stakeholders, the General Directorate of Industrial Property (GDIP) of the Republic of Albania has recently updated its methodology by adopting the principles provided in the CP8 Common Practice “Use of a trade mark in a form differing from the one registered.”
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Belize joins Madrid e-Filing community
On 22 May 2024, Belize launched the Madrid e-Filing system for its national applicants who want to protect their marks abroad under the Madrid Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Marks, thus becoming the 25th intellectual property office to offer this facility.
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Bulgaria joins TMview and DesignView blockchain network
The Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria (BPO) recently joined the TMview and DesignView blockchain network, an innovative initiative of the European Intellectual Property Office, taking the total number of national IP offices to join the Blockchain network to ten.
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China, France renew cooperation protocol on food and agricultural GIs
The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty and the National Institute of Origin and Quality have renewed the protocol for their cooperation on geographical indications (GIs) relating to agriculture and food.
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German court upholds Audi’s trademark victory over NIO’s model names
On 16 May 2024, the Munich Higher Regional Court upheld a decision of the Munich Regional Court that NIO’s naming of its ES6 and ES8 electric vehicle models infringed on Audi’s trademarks for S6 and S8, barring NIO from using these names in Germany.
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Hong Kong IP Registries to issue e-certificates to registered e-filers
The Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong has announced that the Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Registries will start issuing electronic certificates of registration/grant for trademarks, patents and designs to registered e-filers from 28 June 2024.
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IP Australia publishes practice paper on CP3 Common Practice
With an aim to enhance transparency, legal certainty and predictability for the benefit all stakeholders, the Intellectual Property Office of Australia (IP Australia) on 30 May 2024 published a practice paper on the Common Practice on Distinctiveness of Figurative Marks Containing Descriptive/Non-Distinctive Words (CP3), giving a comprehensive explanation about the principles to examine figurative marks that have descriptive or non-distinctive words to guide its assessment of trademark applications.
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New Zealand updates trademark practice guidelines
The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) has recently revised its trade mark practice guidelines to align with the new provisions resulting from the European Union Free Trade Agreement Legislation Amendment Act 2024.
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Madrid Protocol fees established for Qatar
Pursuant to a declaration received from the Government of Qatar under the provisions of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Marks regarding its receive an individual fee, the World Intellectual Property Organization on 12 June 2024 notified the individual fees applicable when Qatar is designated in an international application or in an application for renewal of international registration or is a subject of subsequent designation.
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Madrid Protocol fees revised for Türkiye
Under the provisions of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Marks, the World Intellectual Property Organization on 16 May 2024 notified revised individual fees applicable when Türkiye is designated in an international application or in an application for renewal of international registration or is a subject of subsequent designation.
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Montenegro IP office implements CP5 Common Practice
On 29 May 2024, the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro published a practice paper implementing the Common Practice of Relative Grounds of Refusal-Likelihood of Confusion (Impact of non-distinctive/weak components), generally referred to as CP5 Common Practice.
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Qatar accedes to Madrid System
On 3 May 2024, the government of Qatar acceded to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks by depositing its instrument of accession with the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, thus becoming the 115th member of the Madrid System.
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Slovenia upgrades front office services for trademarks
On 16 May 2024, the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) upgraded its front office system to conform with the European Union Intellectual Property Office’s (EUIPO’s) directive on trademarks.
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South Korea withdraws notification under Madrid Protocol
The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) has recently informed the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) of its withdrawal of the notification made under Rule 40(6) of the Regulations under the Madrid Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Marks.
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