The world of trademarks is one of the most fascinating legal areas there is. At least that is what trademark practitioners the world around agree upon. This blog is exactly intended for that group of people, so we can wholeheartedly say that this blog deals with the most fascinating legal topic there is. We are therefore very happy to welcome you to this blog and the many developments this blog will be discussing.
Trademark law is constantly developing, especially in the European Union (EU). Ever since the introduction of European law and increasingly so after the harmonisation of European trademark law, the European institutions, with the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) at the front, have transformed trademark law from the national laws of the member states into a uniform European concept. Everything that anybody took for granted earlier has been changed into something else, something much more European.
These times are particularly exciting times to be involved with trademark law. There are so many developments happening that it is often difficult to keep up. Especially now that decisions from one national court of a member state can affect decisions of another member state, it is sometimes difficult to wade through all that information that is produced every day and to see the wood for the trees.
This blog hopes to contribute to clearing the path and to provide a quick and handy tool for practitioners in and outside the EU to keep up with the most relevant developments at EU and national level as well as, going forward, globally. The contributors to this blog belong to the best trademark lawyers there are in the EU and are eager to share their knowledge and insights with you, the reader.
We happily invite you to become a regular at this blog and hope you will enjoy and learn from this blog as much as we expect we are going to. And if you ever fell you would like to contribute, just get in touch with us and write a guest blog!
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Verena von Bomhard & Gregor Vos
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